According to the IBM, there have been 2.5 exabytes of data generated since 2012. Big data is distinct from the Internet, although the web makes it much easier to collect and share data. Data visualization helps you understand trends, patterns, and to make correlations. They’re typically instruments for reasoning about quantitative information. Information graphics are typically a representation of not only specific data points but information as well.
Where infographics, charts and pics are static, more sophisticated data visualizations allow the audience to interact with the data, manipulating and exploring it in their own way. They’re more likely to stay engaged, and more likely to remember what they’ve learned, which is really what makes data visualization so powerful.
Different speakers will present on Visualization at RTD2018, so join us September 17-18 at the Havener Center to see more from your data. To register and see our developing schedule visit rtd2018. Attendees will be eligible to attend a free social with live band and fireworks. Food and drinks will be provided. For more information email