Dan Voss from the Florida State University is joining the Midwest Big Data Hub to present a 2-day Data Carpentry workshop to demonstrate the uses of computerized data analysis in genomics. The workshop will be held September 15-16 in Havener Center, the weekend before the Research & Technology Development (RTD2018) conference.
Participants will learn data management and analysis for genomics research, including best practices for data organization, how to use command line utilities to analyze research data, and how to make use of cloud computing in a research project. No prior experience with these topics is required, but participants will be expected to understand basic concepts of biology, such as nucleotide abbreviations. A laptop running Windows, OSX, or Linux will also be required; tablets, smartphones, or Chromebooks are not sufficient to run the data analysis software. This workshop is a great opportunity for anyone with an interest in conducting research efficiently, a desire to learn more about modern research data analysis techniques, or a combination of both. Register for the Data Carpentry workshop here.
After the workshop, participants will also have an opportunity to attend RTD2018 (registration required) and participate in a selection of workshops and break-out sessions that explore other aspects of data management.
RTD2018 will occur on September 17-18 at the Havener Center. To register for RTD2018 and see our developing schedule visit rtd2018.mst.edu. Attendees will be eligible to attend a free social with live band and fireworks. Food and drinks will be provided. For more information email itrss@mst.edu.