‘Getting started with teaching’ forum planned

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On August 30, 2018

Student in class smiling

All early-career faculty are invited to the forum titled “Getting Started with Teaching” 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 5, in St. Pat’s Ballroom A of the Havener Center.

Following the forum, Interim Chancellor Chris Maples will host a reception for new faculty at the chancellor’s residence.

The following topics will be discussed during the forum:

  1. How does the teaching evaluation process work? What are the main questions on the course evaluation of teaching (CET) survey?
  2. What does it mean to prepare well for class, communicate clearly with all students and show you care as a teacher?
  3. What should I do if I find a student cheating in my class?

This forum aims to reduce anxiety that early-career faculty may have about their teaching- related responsibilities. Instructional designers and award-winning faculty will lead small group discussions on these topics.

The forum is hosted by the Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (CAFE). For more information, please contact Abby Bigg, CAFE coordinator, at bigga@mst.edu or 341-7648.

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On August 30, 2018. Posted in Announcements, Faculty Training