Missouri S&T’s Staff Council will host an open forum 9-11 a.m. Thursday, April 26, in the Carver-Turner Room of the Havener Center. Dr. Christopher Maples, interim chancellor, and Cuba Plain, interim vice chancellor for finance and operations, will answer questions and hear concerns from staff during the forum. Staff may ask questions or make comments during the forum by either emailing ahead of time at mststaffcouncilad@mst.edu or speaking at the forum.
The event will be accessible via Zoom at zoom.us/j/656560570 for up to 100 online attendees. The forum will be recorded and the recording will be available after the event. Refreshments will be provided.
The agenda will include:
“We apologize for not having the recording last time and have fixed the account details to allow for a recording and will post it after the event,” says John Cook, chair of Staff Council.