Women in business: Take a 5-minute survey

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On February 22, 2018

Women in business are invited to take a short survey to help determine when a group for women in business would meet, what it would be called and what it would offer. The survey was developed based on feedback from focus group participants in January. Although focused on women, anyone is welcome to take the survey.

The survey will close Thursday, March 8. Results will be available and distributed beginning with the Women in Business seminar 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at the Columbia College auditorium in Rolla.

The survey is being conducted by S&T’s Small Business and Technology Development Center, the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry and WomanSpace Rolla.

For more information, please contact Karen Leatherman, small business counselor, at leathermank@mst.edu or 341-4551.


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On February 22, 2018. Posted in Announcements