The Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) is accepting proposals for the 2018-19 cycle of the Curriculum Development Faculty Grant program. These grants support the planning, development and implementation of new, sustainable curriculum or instruction that infuses one or more of the following skill sets into the undergraduate student experience: entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, innovation, design-thinking and leadership.
All full-time tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty with appointments in the College of Engineering and Computing or the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business may apply for up to $3,000. A letter of intent is due to the CERTI office,, by Friday, March 30. Full proposals are due to the CERTI office by Friday, May 18.
For more details and a proposal template, visit the CERTI website. Please note that this is a separate program from the Educational Research Mini-Grants. For more information, please contact Abby Bigg, CERTI coordinator, at