Strategic plan open forums start tomorrow

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On December 4, 2017

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend an open forum on Missouri S&T’s strategic plan and provide feedback on a draft plan presented by Missouri S&T’s Strategic Plan Committee. The open forums will be held:

  • 3-3:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5, in Room 125 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall
  • 2-2:45 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6, in Room 125 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall

In conjunction with the University of Missouri System, Missouri S&T is contributing to a systemwide plan for all four UM System campuses, named the Missouri Compact for Education, Research, Engagement and Economic Development. In December, each UM System campus committee will submit a first draft plan to the respective university’s chancellor and provost. Missouri S&T’s committee will seek input from faculty, staff and students at the open forums noted above.

Missouri S&T’s Strategic Plan Committee is following the UM System’s strategic plan development timeline, which calls for each campus to submit a final strategic plan to the UM System’s Board of Curators and President Mun Y. Choi by April 1, 2018. View the full timeline.

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On December 4, 2017. Posted in Announcements