Gold goes to Mahenderkar at Materials Research Society meeting

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On December 5, 2017

Naveen Mahenderkar, a Ph.D. student in materials science and engineering, received a Gold Graduate Student Award at the Materials Research Society meeting Nov. 29 in Boston. Mahenderkar was one of nine graduate students nationwide to receive the Gold award. Other recipients included students from institutions such as Harvard University, Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology. The society also presented 22 Silver Graduate Student Awards.

The award is based on his talk, “Epitaxial Electrodeposition of Inorganic Semiconductors onto Wafer-Size Single Crystal Fold Foils for Flexible Electronics,” the topic of a paper published in the March 17 issue of Science.

Mahenderkar’s co-authors are Qingzhi Chen, Ph.D. student in chemistry; Dr. Ying-Chau Liu, who earned his Ph.D. in chemistry at S&T in 2016; Alexander Duchild, senior in chemistry; Seth Hofheins, a senior at Rolla High School; Dr. Eric Chason, professor of engineering at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; and Dr. Jay A. Switzer, the Donald L. Castleman/Foundation for Chemical Research Professor of Discovery at Missouri S&T.

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On December 5, 2017. Posted in Accomplishments

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