Send a cookie, support student emergency fund

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On November 27, 2017

gingerbread men

Thank a staff or faculty member for their help this semester by sending a cookie gram. The human resources department is holding a cookie gram fundraiser to spread holiday cheer and support Missouri S&T’s student emergency fund. Orders are due Friday, Dec. 1.

Cookie grams will include gingerbread cookies and handmade gift tags. They cost $1.50 for one cookie; $3.50 for three cookies and $6 for six cookies. Cold milk will be delivered with orders of $5 and more.

The cookie grams will be delivered to campus buildings 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8. They will not be delivered to residence halls. For those cookie grams not delivered, recipients will receive an email with instructions to pick them up in Room 204 Centennial Hall on Friday, Dec. 8.

All proceeds will go to the University Committee for Assistance, Response and Evaluation (UCare’s) Student Emergency Fund. This fund assists S&T students by providing financial support with unexpected emergency expenses that greatly affect their lives, including their ability to succeed academically.

For more information, please contact Simone Waldon, office support assistant in human resources, at

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On November 27, 2017. Posted in Announcements