Borrok publishes on NSF-funded water quality research

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On November 7, 2017

David BorrokDr. David Borrok, Gulf Oil Foundation Professor and chair of geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering, is the lead author of an article published Oct. 26 in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association.

The article is titled “A Framework for Incorporating the Impact of Water Quality on Water Supply Stress: An Example from Louisiana, USA.” The published work is part of a National Science Foundation grant for water sustainability and climate. Borrok led a large, interdisciplinary group of scientists and engineers for the research.

Borrok’s co-authors are affiliated with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where Borrok served before joining S&T this fall. His co-authors are Dr. Jian Chen, research scientist, Hisham Eldardiry, Ph.D. student in civil engineering, and Dr. Emad Habib, professor of civil engineering, all at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

“This work is important individually because it addresses the really challenging water resources problem of how we should quantitatively consider the quality of water in determining how much we have available,” Borrock says. “The broader importance of the work is that it highlights some of the successes coming out of a large, interdisciplinary NSF grant project.”

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On November 7, 2017. Posted in Accomplishments