Missouri S&T’s mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation program has been affected by recent changes. Due to budget reductions, the University of Missouri System’s Total Rewards program will not fund the eight-week, in-person class previously offered on Missouri S&T’s campus. Online versions of the class are available.
Dr. Maureen Hall, clinical director of Inspiration Center in Rolla, has facilitated the stress reduction class since it was introduced at S&T in 2010. She will offer private classes to interested S&T students and employees but cannot offer wellness incentive points. To contact Hall, please call her at 368-6858 or email mhall@inspirationcenter.net.
The mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation support group will continue; it has always been a volunteer effort so funding changes do not affect it. The meeting day, however, will change from Wednesdays at noon to Tuesdays at noon in the Havener Center. The meeting room may change weekly based on availability; please check the marquee when you enter Havener Center for the room. The support group meets when classes are in session but does not meet during the summer semester, finals week or breaks. Learn more about mindfulness-based stress reduction.