Walt Branson, vice chancellor for finance and administration, shared an overview of the current budget situation with the campus community and answered audience questions at an open forum held Feb. 3 in Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall. The slides from his presentation can be downloaded from S&T’s finance and administration website.
During the forum, Branson outlined Missouri S&T’s general revenue budget, which funds the majority of operations for campus. (This is the “green” bucket from the presentation’s “Colors of Money” slide.) Based on withholdings announced in January by Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens and other revenue shifts, Missouri S&T faced a revenue shortfall of $4.8 million for the current fiscal year, FY2017.
Based on projections for the coming fiscal year, FY2018, Missouri S&T faces a general revenue deficit of $3.5 million. This deficit does not take into account further initiatives, such as miscellaneous instruction, salary and wage increases, and additional faculty hires.
A timeline for planning for the FY2018 budget is included in the presentation, and it includes further opportunities for campus input. Missouri S&T is committed to maintaining its core academic mission.