Philanthropy Month is a time of year when Missouri S&T celebrates the support of all alumni, students, friends and family. Whether it’s tags marking the location of donor support, handing out T-shirts and gift cards to students or competing in the annual Battle of the Brains trivia contest, the message is still the same – philanthropy matters, and the university would not be what it is today without it.
On Thursday, April 21, and Friday, April 22, the campus community can participate in “Wear it and reap the rewards.” Wear your “we give because we’re miners” T-shirt on Thursday and Friday and you’ll be eligible to win a gift card. Blue Key, STAT and staff of Missouri S&T will hand out cards to students they see wearing the T-shirts. The chancellor will give away a grand prize gift card on Friday.
Join the crowd: Help Blue Key and Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) reach their goal of getting 1,500 students to give. View the video, find out more information and make your gift at