Listening session for proposed tobacco policy April 12

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On April 11, 2016

A listening session for a proposed policy to establish Missouri S&T as a tobacco-free campus will be held from 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, in the Carver Room of the Havener Center. The campus community is encouraged to attend.

The proposed policy is as follows:

Proposed policy to create a tobacco-free campus

Effective [DATE], Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) will become a tobacco-free campus. From this date forward, the use of any tobacco product, including oral tobacco products, aerosol producing or smoke-producing products, is prohibited on or in all property owned or leased by Missouri S&T, including all outdoor common and educational areas; all university buildings; university-owned housing; campus sidewalks; campus parking lots; recreational areas; university-owned and -leased vehicles (regardless of location) and locations subject to University contracts. This policy also applies to privately-owned or -leased vehicles while on campus property.

University boundaries will be clearly indicated.


The office of Environmental Health and Safety may approve exemptions to the use of tobacco or tobacco-derived products may be allowed in certain instances. These include:

  • Theatrical productions where the use of tobacco products is integral to the performance or production. Prior approval must be granted.
  • Approved scientific studies involving the use of tobacco.

In addition, privately-owned housing located on land owned by the university may be exempted from this policy. There is a limited-time exemption for privately-owned housing property to be transitioned to university ownership, with the exception to expire upon lease termination of the current tenant.

Policy Execution/Enforcement

Individuals are encouraged to practice peer enforcement of this policy.  Violations will be addressed by the authority appropriate to the person violating the policy.  Violations by students are handled by the Dean of Students. Violations by employees will be handled by Human Resources. Violations by visitors will be handled by the Campus Police and violations by contractors will be handled by the Director of Design and Construction.

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On April 11, 2016. Posted in Announcements

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