Educational research mini-grants available

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On April 18, 2016

The 2016-17 cycle of the educational research mini-grant program will be geared toward faculty who teach distance courses or who would like to begin teaching a course in distance education. The program is administered by the Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI).

The program is designed to help instructors tackle a teaching and learning issue in which a specific, measurable research question is examined to bring about improved student learning, retention or academic success.

Two $3,000 grants will be made available. A letter of intent is due Friday, April 22, and the full proposal due is by Friday, May 20, to the CERTI office. Awards will be announced Monday, June 6.

Funding is provided through global learning and undergraduate studies. For more information, visit the CERTI website.

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On April 18, 2016. Posted in Announcements