Mentoring Mondays take place in April

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On March 24, 2016

At 4 p.m. Mondays during April, senior researchers who are committed to mentoring faculty will gather over afternoon tea. Faculty working on a proposal are invited to attend the tea with a one-page statement of work in hand. The senior researchers will take a few minutes to read over each statement, and then the faculty member will spend five minutes pitching the proposal, as if he or she were speaking with a funding manager. Afterward, senior researchers will talk with the proposer about the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation, and provide helpful suggestions. The associate deans for research in both the College of Engineering and Computing, and the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business will co-sponsor the event and provide the tea. Mentoring Monday will take place in the following locations:

Monday, April 4, in the Meramec-Gasconade Room of the Havener Center

Monday, April 11, in the Meramec-Gasconade Room

Monday, April 18, in the Meramec-Gasconade Room

Monday, April 25, in Room 249 Toomey Hall.

For more information, please contact Cynthia Heck at 341-4687.

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On March 24, 2016. Posted in Announcements