Students will have two opportunities to engage with Honeywell representatives on Tuesday, Sept. 15. Career opportunities and employer relations (COER) encourages students to attend a meet-and-greet 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Puck or the employer seminar series at noon in Room 305 Norwood Hall.
Mike McEnery from McEnery Automation will present “Secrets of an Engineer Recruiter.” Join him at 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, in Room 305 Norwood Hall.
COER and MMC contractors will present “How to Conquer the Career Fair” at noon Friday, Sept. 18, in Room 305 Norwood Hall. Find out what to expect and how to prepare for the Career Fair by attending this workshop.
Students should bring their Minercard I.D. and current resume to all three events.