Suggest the next One Book

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On November 3, 2014

The One Book Program’s advisory committee will meet in the next few weeks to select the next book for the 2015-2017 cycle. The committee is currently taking nomination for book titles. If you are interested in submitting a title for consideration, please consider the following guidelines:

  • The book should be acceptable and engaging to students
  • The book should be socially relevant and intellectually rigorous
  • The book should address issues of personal relevance
  • The book should be engaging to faculty and viable to classroom use
  • The book should be no longer than 400 pages
  • The book should be written by a living author willing to visit the Missouri S&T campus.

Submit your book title nominations to Mia Reisweber no later than Monday, Dec. 1.

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On November 3, 2014. Posted in Announcements