CEC/CASB candidate feedback requested

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On May 15, 2014

Today is the last day to provide feedback on the vice provost and dean candidates for both the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), and the College of Arts, Sciences and Business (CASB). Below is a list of all candidates, with their respective surveys linked to their names. Candidate Dr. Ian Ferguson’s survey will close at 4:30 p.m. today (Thursday, May 15). All other surveys will close at 4 p.m. today. No further input will be accepted after these times.

CEC candidates:

Dr. Matt O’Keefe

Dr. Tony Maciejewski

Dr. Robert Lee

Dr. Ian Ferguson

CASB candidates:

Dr. Mark Smith

Dr. Stefi Baum

Dr. Steve Roberts

Dr. John Fritch

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On May 15, 2014. Posted in Announcements