Staff compensation structure

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On April 17, 2014

By the end of April, S&T will begin using the new job codes and global job titles outlined in the staff compensation structure (SCS). To better explain the SCS to employees, human resources, affirmative action and diversity inclusion (HRSAADI) has scheduled an informational presentation by a University of Missouri System compensation consultant. These presentations will be held at 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. Thursday, April 24, in the Missouri/Ozark Room of the Havener Center. The meetings will be one hour long and all three will cover the same information.

The HRSAADI staff is working to integrate the global job title information into the PeopleSoft database.   Once that is finished, implementation of the SCS will be complete. The new system reduced the previous 6,000 job titles into about 750 global titles and reduced the number of salary ranges from more than 1,000 to 16 salary ranges and salary ranges for university executives.

HRSAADI reminds staff that no one will lose pay, job duties will not change and while some consolidation of job titles will occur, no positions have been eliminated. More information, including the list of new SCS job codes and job titles, is available online.

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On April 17, 2014. Posted in Announcements