The second open forum regarding the transition to vice provost and deans will be held 3-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 9, in Room 120 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall. Six committees and four subcommittees have been working towards the transition planning for implementing the College of Engineering and Computing; the College of Arts, Sciences and Business; and the vice provost and dean of each college.
The committees, their charges and the committee memberships are presented at The chancellor also has two consultants from the University of Missouri System working with these subcommittees: Deborah Noble-Triplett, assistant vice president of academic affairs, and Eric Rosenhauer, director of performance improvement. The committees will present the recommendations they plan to submit to the chancellor for her consideration.
You may review the academic affairs structural changes and documentation by going to and clicking on the word “Plan” in the upper right-hand corner of the page.