The Best-in-Class (BIC) Strategic Areas for Investment Committee invites the campus community to an open forum seeking your input to identify the third and fourth BIC strategic areas to implement Action 2.1.7 of S&T’s Strategic Plan. The forum is 8:50 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday, March 10, in the Meramec-Gasconade Room of the Havener Center.
Nine proposals will be presented for best-in-class strategic areas during the forum. The schedule of presentations as well as all nine proposals are available on the BIC website. To view the files, enter your S&T username and password.
To help select four to six proposals to recommend to Chancellor Schrader and Provost Wray, the Committee invites you to email your comments to using the feedback form by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 12. Copies of this form will be available at the open forum.