The non-PO voucher submission process for payment will change as of Saturday, March 15, when the Accounts Payable Shared Service Center in Columbia, Mo., begins processing our campus’s vouchers. Representatives from the service center will be on campus to conduct training on the new process required to submit non-PO vouchers for payment. They will also review the vendor request process and present information about travel and expense report processing.
If you create or submit non-PO vouchers for payment you will need to attend one of the following sessions:
10 a.m.-noon Thursday, March 6
1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 6
10 a.m.-noon Thursday, March 13
1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13
All sessions are in St. Pat’s Ballroom C of the Havener Center. Plan to attend only one of the four sessions. The same information will be presented at each. For more information, contact accounting services at 341-4189.