Educational mini-grant proposals sought

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On February 24, 2014

All full-time faculty and department chairs are invited to submit proposals for educational research mini-grant projects, funded by the vice provost for academic affairs (VPAA) office and administered through the Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI). The VPAA office will provide $22,000 in mini-grant funding to support projects examining teaching and learning practices using pedagogical research methods. A letter of intent is due to the CERTI office by Friday, March 14. The full proposal is due Monday, April 14.

The request for proposals and other information about the program can be found on the CERTI website. A connected event, “Tips on Preparing a Successful Educational Research Proposal,” will be held from noon-1:30 p.m. Friday, March 7, in the Meramec Room of the Havener Center. RSVP to All faculty are welcome.

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On February 24, 2014. Posted in Announcements