The 26th Missouri Inorganic Day will be held in the Havener Center 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, May 4. The event will include presentations on inorganic chemistry research projects. Participation from all levels, including undergraduates, graduates, post-doctoral associates and faculty members, are requested. Ideal presentations would be from researchers who are on the threshold of their career, like post-doctoral associates, senior graduate students or junior faculty members. A poster session will be held noon–2 p.m. for networking, showcasing studies to fellow researchers, and building collaborations. For more information see the event website at!/page_Home.
Registration will be open until Thursday, May 2. There is no registration fee and lunch with light refreshments will be provided. Participants can choose a lunch package during registration. A meeting itinerary, including submitted abstracts for oral and poster presentations, a campus map, meeting location and directions for parking, will be available as a downloadable PDF file on the registration page. Contact Manashi Nath or Amitava Choudhury for more information.