Colloquium presentations for chair of the mathematics and statistics department

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On April 9, 2013

The department of mathematics and statistics invites the campus to upcoming colloquium presentations by five candidates for the position of chair of the mathematics and statistics department.

The first of these five colloquia is at 4:15 p.m. today, Thursday, April 11, in Room G5 Rolla Building. Refreshments will be served at 4 p.m. The speaker is Brian Borchers, a professor of mathematics at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. His presentation is titled “Recent Progress and Future Challenges in Semidefinite Programming.”
The department welcomes any comments on the five candidates from the campus community and will have scheduled times for faculty outside of the mathematics department to meet the candidates.
For information about the candidates, the schedule of available faculty meeting times and the colloquium presentations, please see the department’s colloquium webpage.

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On April 9, 2013. Posted in Announcements