Celebration of Excellence in Humanities

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On April 4, 2013

The campus community is invited to attend the annual “Celebration of Excellence in the Humanities” from 3:30- 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 8, in the Carver/Turner Room of the Havener Center. The three featured presenters are:

Dr. Diana Ahmad, an associate professor of history and political science and Missouri S&T archivist: “Manifest Destiny, Prairie Dogs, and Overland Emigrants.”
Dr. Eric Bryan, an assistant professor of English and technical communication: “Saying What We Don’t Mean and Meaning What We Don’t Say:
Implicature and Metaphor in Viking Literature and Beyond.”
Dr. Jorge Porcel, an assistant professor of arts, languages, and philosophy: “Language Deterritorialization among Miami Cubans.”
The Celebration of Excellence in the Humanities is sponsored by the English and technical communication, history and political science and arts, languages and philosophy departments.

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On April 4, 2013. Posted in Announcements