Be sure to let students know there are two great opportunities to get credit abroad and discover new cultures while studying with Missouri S&T faculty members this summer. Drs. Gregory Gelles and Lance Haynes will accompany students to Cape Town, South Africa, where they can earn six credit hours for economics and intercultural communication courses. Dr. Bonnie Bachman will accompany students to China to study at the Beijing Institute of Technology, where they can earn three credit hours for an international business course.
The trip with Gelles, chair of the economics department, and Haynes, chair of the arts, languages and philosophy department, will be June 2-16. The lectures for Econ 340 (Environmental and Natural Resource Economics) and SP&M 235 (Intercultural Communication) will be supplemented with trips to mining sites, famous cultural sites, game parks and water resource sites throughout South Africa.
The trip with Bachman, professor of business and information technology, will be June 13-28. Students will receive credit for Bus 301 (Ethical problems in International Business). Cultural trips and company visits are part of the experience.
Financial aid for the summer may be applied to your program abroad. Check with the student financial assistance office for restrictions and more details.
If interested in the South Africa trip, email, or If interested in the China trip, email
Students are encouraged to contact the faculty as soon as possible as space is limited and deadlines are quickly approaching.