The University of Missouri’s Talent Management Program is recruiting for the Administrative Leadership Development (ALDP) class of 2012. As potential candidates will not be sent brochures or other materials directly, they are encouraged to complete the materials online. This program is intended for professional staff, not faculty; the LDP program is designed for faculty.
The ALDP brochure, application and additional information about the program are available online. Applications are due by Friday, Dec. 2. Please note this deadline is earlier than last year due to the holidays and to allow a better schedule for the participants’ retreat pre-work.
Who is eligible?
Mid- to high-level leaders of administrative units, typically directors and associate or assistant directors are invited to participate in the program. However, due to the variety of job responsibilities within titles, applicants are not restricted to directors.
In addition to the following criteria that are posted on the ALDP webpage, a diverse population of participants is desired:
For more information, contact F. Stephen Malott, vice chancellor for administrative services, or Carl Burns, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs.