New travel, expense module implementation in effect

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On July 19, 2011

The University of Missouri System is implementing the PeopleSoft Travel and Expense module, which will replace the paper-intensive travel reimbursement process that employees currently use. The implementation began July 5 and will continue through the end of December 2011.

In PeopleSoft Travel and Expense, travel expense reports are created online, images of receipts and other documentation are attached electronically, expense reports are routed electronically and approvals take place online.
The roll-out to the Missouri S&T campus will be on a staggered basis by department throughout the July-December time frame. Each department will be contacted by accounting/fiscal services prior to the time it is scheduled to begin using the new module. Accounting/fiscal services staff will provide the training and guidance for each department to begin using the system.
If you have questions related to this new system or its implementation, contact accounting/fiscal services at 341-4189.

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On July 19, 2011. Posted in Announcements