Missouri S&T chancellor search update

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On April 25, 2011

On Thursday, April 14, University of Missouri System Interim President Steve Owens, UM Vice President Betsy Rodriguez and Chief of Staff Kathy Miller met with several Missouri S&T faculty, students and staff to gather input on what qualities the S&T community would like to see in the campus’s next chancellor. The meeting was well-attended, and Owens received several suggestions from the group.

Also during their visit to Missouri S&T on Wednesday and Thursday, they heard the comments and suggestions of Chancellor Carney, members of the chancellor’s cabinet and visiting members of the Missouri S&T Board of Trustees.
Search timeline
The search committee will meet at noon Friday, April 29, in the Havener Center. A list of members can be found online. Over the next several months, the committee, working with Owens, will identify chancellor candidates for consideration by the new university president and provide the new president the opportunity to appoint the Missouri S&T chancellor.
Interim chancellor
There are plans to appoint an interim chancellor before Carney’s departure date of August 2011. Members of the campus community are welcome to share suggestions for interim chancellor by emailing Kathy Miller at millerkm@umsystem.edu.

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On April 25, 2011. Posted in Announcements