The recent tragedy in Arizona should remind college communities to remain vigilant in recognizing and responding to potential warning signs of concerning behavior. Missouri S&T staff members strive to prepare for potential concerning situations and require the campus community’s help to create the safest possible environment for all members of the S&T community.
As part of S&T’s campus commitment and collaboration to promote a safe campus, the Critical Incident Task Force (CITF) distributed the 2011 AskListenRefer Calendar in early January. The CITF appreciates faculty and staff who have reviewed this information and completed the online training opportunity. If you have not educated yourself in recognizing and responding to students who may be experiencing emotional distress, you are encouraged to complete the 20-minute online training module at
Faculty and staff are in a position to notice behavior that could be warning signs: excessive or inappropriate anger, behavioral or emotional changes, alcohol or drug abuse, withdrawal, changes in hygiene or appearance, expression of unusual thoughts, and disruptive behavior. If a student’s behavior concerns you, you are urged to contact the CITF for support and consultation. As always, for situations that appear to be emergencies or life-threatening, notify the S&T Police immediately. The CITF reminds the campus that consultation and assistance are available related to students of concern by contacting us at:
If you did not receive a 2011 AskListenRefer Calendar or would like additional calendars, contact Heidi Lyle in Room 107 Norwood Hall, or 341-4292.