Register today for Environmental Summit Dec. 15

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On December 6, 2010

Register now to attend the S&T Environmental Summit: Drafting the Research Agenda scheduled from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15, in the Havener Center. Register online.
The summit will include brainstorming sessions, a networking lunch and breakout discussions to identify the top five research thrusts for the next five years, to be funded by a seed grant competition sponsored by the Environmental Research Center (ERC).
Scheduled presenters from S&T include representatives from the student population; Green Campus Committee; Energy Research and Development Center; Materials Research Center; engineering management; civil, architectural and environmental engineering; and geological, biological and chemical sciences. The ERC thanks the Institute for Environmental Excellence for recruiting additional presenters from the government, industry and the community.

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On December 6, 2010. Posted in Announcements