Missouri S&T employees responded to the call for electronic waste. Thirty-two departments participated and 130 CRTs were removed from campus. These monitors will be disposed of through Dell’s Asset Recovery Program at no charge to S&T. Once the remaining points in the program are used by any of the four campuses, there will be a charge for disposal. By participating in the collection, you helped save almost $2,000.
Along with the CRTs, these additional items were removed from hallways, basements, offices, labs, and closets: flat monitors – eight, CPUs – 162, printers and typewriters – 57, faxes and scanners – 18, projectors – eight and copier – one.
Approximately 91 boxes of miscellaneous items were also collected. These items will be resold or recycled through various reputable recyclers. All information is wiped from hard drives, and our IT department reuses anything of value to them.
Congratulations to all participating faculty and staff for their efforts to identify and collect these items and make this cleanup a huge success. Thanks to procurement surplus services employees and the many volunteers who transported the waste to the warehouse for proper disposal.
Remember that any surplus items (furniture, electronics, etc.) will be picked up by surplus services at no charge. Use the form at procurement.mst.edu/surplus/surplus.html to request a pickup.
The Institute for Environmental Excellence and the Green Campus Committee thanks all participating departmental personnel, procurement surplus services, EcoMiners volunteers, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Departmental Computer Committee, Dr. Joel Burken and Shaunda Scott. Without their collaborative efforts, this collection would not have been so successful.