Missouri S&T will implement the new Time and Labor payroll reporting system on Sunday, Nov. 29. Employees using the current automated absence reporting system will no longer be able to enter paid leave time using the web tool located at itweb.mst.edu/auth-cgi-bin/cgiwrap/absencerpt/vacation_sick_leave/main_vac.pl.
Instead, users of the automated absence reporting system will see a link to myHR, myhr.umsystem.edu. Biweekly employees will use myHR to access the Time and Labor timesheet to record hours worked, record paid time off and view leave balances. Monthly staff employees will use this to record paid time off and view leave balances. Paper report of absence forms will no longer be needed.
Please update your web browser’s bookmarks with the myHR address. Effective Jan. 1, the current automated absence reporting system URL will redirect to myHR. After 30 days, the URL for the automated Absence Reporting system will be permanently decommissioned.
If you have any policy questions regarding vacation, sick leave and/or absence reporting, please visit hr.mst.edu or contact S&T human resource services.
For more information on the new Time and Labor system, including training materials, please visit doit.missouri.edu/training/peoplesoft/HR/timelabor.html.