Missouri S&T will host three Preview, Registration and Orientation (PRO) sessions in April. PRO is an all-day orientation program for new students who plan to start classes at S&T in the 2009 fall semester.
Please help welcome our new students and their guests to the S&T
campus on Saturday, April 4; Saturday, April 18; and Friday, April 24.
There will be four PRO sessions during the summer — Fridays, June 5,
12, 19, and Saturday, August 15.
If you have questions or would like a detailed schedule of the day’s
events, contact Patty Frisbee, pfrisbee@mst.edu, 341-7045, or stop by
the new student programs office in Room 106 Centennial Hall. Additional
information about PRO is available online at pro.mst.edu.