International Friends Program needs sponsors

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On October 13, 2008

The International Friends Program still needs sponsors to pair with international students to help get accustomed to our country and community. It’s a great experience for all involved, and the level of participation is up to you. Most sponsors and students get together once a month.

Prospective sponsors are asked to fill out a questionnaire which will help pair them with an international student by Tuesday, Oct. 21. The pairing will take place during a reception at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, in Missouri S&T’s Southwestern Bell Cultural Center, 1207 N. Elm St., in Rolla.

For more information on the program, contact Missouri S&T international affairs at 573-341-6147, or email Roberta Morgan, program coordinator, at

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On October 13, 2008. Posted in Announcements