Graduate students in Karl Bugher’s Engineering Management 361 class will present plans for economic development in Vienna, Mo., to the town’s residents at 7 p.m. Monday, April 28, at Vienna High School. The class will be presented live online as a distance education course, says Burgher, with assistance from Missouri S&T’s information technology department.
The students are enrolled this semester in a graduate-level engineering management course taught by Karl Burgher, a lecturer at Missouri S&T. The class’ assignment was to prepare budgets, time lines and feasibility studies for 10 projects to help Vienna officials with local economic development.
Projects to be presented include a walking path through a city park, windmills to subsidize the city’s energy supply, expansion of a local flea market to include a farmer’s market, rebuilding a park pavilion, installing a tee-ball field and building a helicopter landing pad adjacent to a local nursing home.